Sunday, February 17, 2013

2013 Planning (or Jealousy)

Even though it has been an unsatisfying winter here (snow? What snow?), I’m getting antsy to get some trips planned. So I asked Boo what we should do. She wants to through hike the Superior Hiking Trail. While I am not against this, I suggested that perhaps we should wait until she’s a teenager. She didn’t seem convinced, but was willing to accept it. 

Here are the “close” overnight trails I’ve found.

Since I started this list, she’s gotten beyond the <1 mile hike-in camp sites. 

We’ve done the first two, and she enjoyed them. We’re planning on taking her best friend to one of them as an introduction.

But she’s interested in slightly longer trips (miles or days or both) this year. Following the rule-of-thumb that a kid can hike about one mile per year of age, the 11-12 mile loops are too long. 

I haven’t determined her current daily hiking range recently, so she may be up to a 6+ mile day depending on terrain. We’ll figure it out. But all the bloggers out there posting about traveling an hour to one of the myriad of choices they have… I am so envious. 

I suspect we'll end up in Iowa at least once, and I am seriously considering Shawnee National Forest. One of my precious vacation weeks will be in NC, and I'm hoping to squeeze in an overnight there.

 What are you planning for the coming year? What is the biggest challenge you're working around?

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