Sunday, March 24, 2013

Tuesday Trails

In addition to trying to get into condition for summer hikes (made harder by alternating sleet and mud), we  have added a weekly "observation hike". Every Tuesday afternoon, we head to a specific 1/2 mile trail and pay attention. The idea is to slow down, see how one place changes week to week, and use our senses as much as we can. Then we come home and write about it in journals.

We have a couple locations where we take a picture every week. For instance, here's the prairie.

Week 1:
Prairie - Week 1

Week 2:
Prairie - Week 2

Week 3:
Prairie Week 3

It's a lot harder to beg off because the weather isn't perfect, or we had a rough day at work. We're paying attention to the general sounds of birds, and we see a lot more animal tracks.

Once the weather starts being less wet, we're going to bring the journals with us. 

Observation Journal

All the Tuesday Trails pics

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